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Asfalia, an interactive game at the heart of emotions

Dive into the heart of emotions by discovering Asfalia, a colorful and enchanting world! 

Discover Asfalia


To gather, to awaken, and to entertain

Growing up is all about dreaming, playing, and self-discovery!

A great interactive and human adventure awaits your child in this beautifully hand-drawn game-tale. Help Charlie explore and save this magical world from imminent danger. Along your journey, you will meet fascinating characters…

Asfalia invites you to understand and express your emotions. The game offers a new space of communication and exchange for children and adults alike. Live this fabulous story with your family, friends, or at school.

It is based on simple puzzles and easy-to-learn Point & Click gameplay. Mini-games and collectibles enhance the player’s experience for even more fun!  

✓ Strong visual identity

✓ Gameplay suitable for children from 6 to 10 years old

✓ Short game sessions, no competition or pressure

Much more than a video game for kids



A playful educational tool

Are you a teacher, an educator, a psychologist, or any other childcare professional?

We provide you with educational cards and activity sheets. The objective is to approach the mysterious world of emotions with each child in a fun and interactive way and to awaken them to these concepts. 








53 cards, to play with emotions

Asfalia is also a beautiful set of character and observation cards, full of life and color! Open the discussion on sensitive topics such as jealousy, change, dreams, or self-confidence, while spending a moment of fun and privileged sharing.








Discover Asfalia : Anger

Charlie can’t wait to meet you! See you in Asfalia : Anger.

Buy Asfalia: Anger
