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You are a parent?

Experience privileged moments with your child by diving into Asfalia, the world of emotions. 

Play Asfalia with your child


To play is to gather, share, and create a common language where young and old can blossom and discover themselves differently. Through our game-tale, we are committed to reinforcing family ties and addressing themes essential to the development of each child. Let’s promote a meaningful, wholesome experience based on interaction, listening, and understanding! 


✓ Communicate positively with your child.

✓ Help your child recognise and understand their emotions.

✓ Spend a unique moment of exchange in an enchanting universe.



A fun game without pressure

Asfalia was conceived and designed like a book: easy to use, gently paced, shareable and story-driven. Game-Tales allow for short play sessions, ranging from 10 to 15 minutes.









Learn to embrace your emotions in the world of Asfalia!

Buy Asfalia
